Building men of Integrity and Destiny
“Reaching males of all ages through salvation, help them to realize their God given; talents, gifts, and abilities. And inspire them to use those abilities to; edify, encourage, and empower others to be the providers, protectors, and progenitors of faith/family that God intended each of them to be!"
By reaching males of all ages & races, through Evangelism, Training & Fellowship! We can help them embrace the importance and influence of the males’ role in society, and thorough this awareness, create enlightened /empowered communities through Stronger families with Christian values! Thereby raising the perception of males (particularly males of color) throughout our organization and the world.
Ministry Components
I – Gifts and Talents - Purpose
The Gifts and Talents aspect helps men of all ages; seek out and recognize, their God-given gifts and abilities. It focuses on helping them to understand, develop, and properly apply these attributes as they relate to ministry and life.
II – Wants and Needs - Purpose
This aspect has more of a counseling component. Helping men to understand that they have emotional needs. It will help them to separate and distinguish the difference between things that they want, and things that they need. Helping them to be well-rounded and more effective individuals. The gifts – talents, and wants – needs, components both speak to purpose. It illustrates how men can be both; Consumers of ministry, (being ministered to) and Contributors to ministry, (providing ministry); to their community, other men, or the congregation, of any church.
III – Money Matters (tithes and offering)
This component covers how to procure and maintain other revenue streams for ministry. To emphasize that we are not specifically talking about programs, or fund-raising strategies only. This emphasizes the importance of evangelistic strategies. Like increasing the number of members would subsequently increase revenue, also helping members understand the importance of Giving and Tithing as a staple to financial growth.
IV – Spousal Co-Partnering in Ministry
Matthew 19:5-6 emphasizes that marriage combines men & women into ONE! This component helps men understand that incorporating their wives (Significantly) in their ministry, and not exclusively partnering with other men, would be making significant step in immediately impacting, expanding, and developing not only their spousal relationship, but their ministry as well.
V – Fathers and Mentors
One problem that occurs consistently throughout "Church" is that men who are successful in ministry are that way often at the expense of their family relationship. The Fathers and Mentors component helps men focus on these 2 issues. These are 2 distinct and very different positions in the family dynamic. It will help men recognize and explore the need for balance in their lives. Being a good mate to your spouse is different from being an excellent teacher & role model to your children. Finally achieving that balance especially in relation with ministry, will make better families! Which makes better churches, then better communities, and so on, and so on!